
Some people say technology is the end; Machines replace reality with something even more potent. I do not believe in that future. Not for a second! A tool. That’s what they’ve always been. Wielded properly they bring peace, happiness, order to a crumbling world. Of course, in the hands of an idiot they’re incredibly dangerous. Which is why we can be thankful that idiots tend to snuff themselves out, much like misshapen candles. machines have made it easier for idiots to migrate into dense communities where life now becomes a constant game of avoid the idiot. It’s frustrating because they are everywhere! Waiting in long lines to pay $5 for the bitter water of boiled beans. Bantering endlessly about the costume they are going to wear for a holiday that forces polite intellectuals to cater candy to groups of little idiots. And then there’s the idiots that drive! All around us. Every day. Passing on the right, turning in front of us. It seems the only safe place left is inside with windows closed doors locked and lights out, so none of the idiots can find you….

And, it is at that moment.

In your pristine sanctuary.

As far removed from the insanity as you can possibly be.

That you, too.

Have become .

An idiot…

…this is the end.


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